Showing 59 results

Archival description
Registry files (1919-1927)

Publications Service and Reproduction of Documents - Registry files for the first period (1919-1927). Include 37 (Printing and Supplies), 43 (Printing and Publishing), 49 (Distribution of Documents).

Registry files (1928-1932)

Communications and Transit Section - Registry files for the second period (1928-1932). Include 9A (Transit), 9B (River Navigation), 9C (Ports and Sea Navigation), 9D (Railways), 9E (Electricity), 9F (Road Traffic), 9G (Posts and Telegraphs), 9H (Air Navigation).

Registry files (1933-1946)

Economic and Financial Section - Registry files for the third period (1933-1946). Include 10A (Economic relations), 10B (Economic intelligence), 10C (Finance), 10D (Monetary and Economic Conference, London 1933).