General; Committee on Industry and Materials and Working Parties, and Ad hoc Committee on Industrial Development and Trade; timber; fertilizers; alkalis; refractories; textiles; research and reconstruction; steel and engineering; chemical industry; manpower; industrial development and trade; lead and zinc; iron; enquiry on patents; plastics and synthetic fibres: study.
General; relations; sessions; Economic Bulletin for Europe; legal adviser; high-level meeting.
General; countries.
Correspondence with Headquarters, governments, associations, and individuals; Paris Conference; Comité de Coopération Economique (later Organization for European Economic Cooperation); collaboration; study.
Study on fiscal questions by Dr Elfenbein; printing and distribution of Princeton Economic Publications of the League of Nations; transfer of working of material from Geneva to Headquarters; meeting of Tin Study Group Brussels 1-18 April 1947; meeting of Fiscal Commission Lake Success 18 May 1947; relations between the United Nations, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund; World Economic High Lights, part one of the economic report to the Economic and Social Council february 1948; correspondence about United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources; Department of Economic Affairs, Lake Success: minutes of meeting of directors (CONFIDENTIAL), fortnightly reports, daily reports and various minutes (CONFIDENTIAL), conferences with regional secretariats; relations between specialized agencies and regional economic commissions; settlement of property questions among the european governments; catalogue of studies or investigations in the economic and social fields; investment and engineering services; export credit guarantees; correspondence about Yugoslav Loan; loan and guarantee agreements between governments and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; national and international measures for full employment; The Trent Towards, economic planning; United Nations Tin Conference, 25 october 1950: relations with ECE, documentation; the Technique of International Conference; Regional Economic Commissions; water control and utilization; correspondence with individuals, associations, corporations, institutes, etc. from New York, London, Paris, Brussels, Vienna, etc.; various requests for information and documents.
Correspondence; Headquarters; Commissions; Latin America Institute for Economic and Social Planning; development policy; economic situation and immigration; Economic Survey of Latin America.
Request for information; relations with Information Centres, press, and HQ; correspondence; external publishing; Pergamon Press; American Foundation for Overseas Blind; World Council for the Welfare of the Blind.
Correspondence; Customs Convention 1923; Study Group for the European Customs Union; circulars CN; treaties.
General; Monthly Bulletin of Statistics; Statistical Year Book; countries; Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling; european statistics; statistic tables on various subjects submitted to governments for approval; national income; indices of production; trade statistics.