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Claim of the Korean People and Nation for Liberation from Japan and for the Reconstitution of Korea as an Independent State - Korean Delegation, Paris (J. Kiusic Soho Kimm, Member of the Korean Delegation) - Petition with Memorandum attached.
Claim of the Korean People and Nation for Liberation from Japan and for the Reconstitution of Korea as an Independent State - Korean Delegation, Paris (J. Kiusic Soho Kimm, Member of the Korean Delegation) - Petition with Memorandum attached.
Petitions Against Japanese Administration of Korea.
Petitions Against Japanese Administration of Korea.
The Movement for Korean Independence - The Young Men's Christian Association, Ottawa - transmits various documents relating to the activities of the Independence movement and the treatment by the Japanese Authorities of persons suspected of being implicated in the movement.
The Movement for Korean Independence - The Young Men's Christian Association, Ottawa - transmits various documents relating to the activities of the Independence movement and the treatment by the Japanese Authorities of persons suspected of being implicated in the movement.
Les Chrétiens en Corée - Union baptiste de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, Londres - Transmet une résolution passée à une réunion du Conseil de l'Union baptiste le 16 novembre 1920 - A propos des persécutions infligées aux églises chrétiennes de Corée, le Conseil de l'Union demande que le Gouvernement Japonais garantisse aux Coréens chrétiens leur liberté religieuse.
Les Chrétiens en Corée - Union baptiste de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, Londres - Transmet une résolution passée à une réunion du Conseil de l'Union baptiste le 16 novembre 1920 - A propos des persécutions infligées aux églises chrétiennes de Corée, le Conseil de l'Union demande que le Gouvernement Japonais garantisse aux Coréens chrétiens leur liberté religieuse.
The Shantung Question - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 25) - Reports that the Japanese Minister to China has been instructed to inform the Chinese Government that Japan is ready to negotiate on this question.
The Shantung Question - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 25) - Reports that the Japanese Minister to China has been instructed to inform the Chinese Government that Japan is ready to negotiate on this question.
Leased Territory of Kiao Chou - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 26) - Information as to intention of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to re-affirm the decision of the Japanese Government to restore the leased territory of Kiao Chou to China and to work the railway as a joint enterprise, at the re-opening of the Diet.
Leased Territory of Kiao Chou - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 26) - Information as to intention of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to re-affirm the decision of the Japanese Government to restore the leased territory of Kiao Chou to China and to work the railway as a joint enterprise, at the re-opening of the Diet.
The Shantung Question - American Press Summary, New York Times of 27 January - Extract from American Press Summary reports statement in the New York Times, Pekin, that the Chinese Government have declined to negotiate with Japan on this question, as such action would be equivalent to acceptance of the Versailles Treaty.
The Shantung Question - American Press Summary, New York Times of 27 January - Extract from American Press Summary reports statement in the New York Times, Pekin, that the Chinese Government have declined to negotiate with Japan on this question, as such action would be equivalent to acceptance of the Versailles Treaty.
The Shantung Question - New York Times - Extract from above journal reports intense feeling in China against enterring into negotiations with the Japanese Government on this question, but it is believed in Washington that China will accept the invitation of the Japanese Government to negotiate, in spite of the fact that China is not yet a member of the League of Nations.
The Shantung Question - New York Times - Extract from above journal reports intense feeling in China against enterring into negotiations with the Japanese Government on this question, but it is believed in Washington that China will accept the invitation of the Japanese Government to negotiate, in spite of the fact that China is not yet a member of the League of Nations.
China and the League of Nations - Professor Carsun C. Chang, University of Pekin - The decision of the Paris Peace Conference on the Shantung Question defers China from joining the League of Nations.
China and the League of Nations - Professor Carsun C. Chang, University of Pekin - The decision of the Paris Peace Conference on the Shantung Question defers China from joining the League of Nations.
Communication with the Government of India - Secretary of State for India suggests that all communications from the League of Nations Secretariat be sent via the Cabinet Secretariat for the India Office or transmission through the India Office to the Government of India - Communications from the Government of India or the Secretary of State for India would be sent through the same channel to the League of Nations Secretariat - Blue books, other official publications could be sent direct from the India Office.
Communication with the Government of India - Secretary of State for India suggests that all communications from the League of Nations Secretariat be sent via the Cabinet Secretariat for the India Office or transmission through the India Office to the Government of India - Communications from the Government of India or the Secretary of State for India would be sent through the same channel to the League of Nations Secretariat - Blue books, other official publications could be sent direct from the India Office.