International Labour Office Refugees Service - Settlement of Armenian Refugees - Syria
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Settlement of Armenian Refugees - Syria
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Revolving Fund for the Armenian Refugees Settlement Work in Syria - Accounts
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Armenian Refugees in Syria - Urban Settlement: Kirik Khan
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Armenian Refugees in Syria - Urban Settlement: Aleppo
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Armenian Refugees in Syria - Urban Settlement: Beirut (a) Lebanon Grant
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Settlement of Armenian - Refugees in Syria - Relations with Dr. Lepsius, Deutsche Orient Mission
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Relations with Friends of Armenia and Helpers in the Relief of Distress among Syrians and other Sufferers in the Near East
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Armenian Refugees - Legal Status and Identity Certificates - Syria
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Armenian Refugees - Transfer from Syria to Argentina