File mainly contains various receipts and account statements.
File mainly contains correspondence with and brochures sent by "Friends of Armenia", a "Missionary and Relief Society" based in London.
File mainly contains correspondence with various organisations (Mennonite Central Committee, ICRC) and with A. Loonis (Nansen Office Honorary Representative in China), as well as some press clippings concerning the situation of Russian Refugees in China.
File contains 2 maps and various correspondence concerning the construction of settlements for Armenian Refugees in Greece,
File contains minutes of meeting and various correspondence concerning these arrangements.
File mainly contains statements of accounts, correspondence, list of Refugees' names and miscellaneous documents relating to the settlement.
File contains various correspondence relating to these transfers (mainly to Brazil).
This file contains correspondence about the transfers of Armenian Refugees from Poland to Iran.
Resettlement of Russian refugees, mainly different religious groups, from Harbin (Manchuria), China to South America (Brazil, Paraguay); financial, administrative and employment assitance to Russian refugees in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany and Yugoslavia.