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Wilhelm Löwenthal's Comments on a Arthur Gundaccar von Suttner's Manuscript "Fragment" - Wilhelm Löwenthal's Literary Activities - His Stay in Georgia - Wilhelm Löwenthal's Reflections on Georgia
Wilhelm Löwenthal's Comments on a Arthur Gundaccar von Suttner's Manuscript "Fragment" - Wilhelm Löwenthal's Literary Activities - His Stay in Georgia - Wilhelm Löwenthal's Reflections on Georgia
Chinese Political Claims and Questions - Secretary-General - Minute recording the visit of two Members of the Chinese Peace Delegation, who expressed the hope that the League of Nations would presently deal with the Chinese Political Claims and Questions - Transmits copy of the "Questions for re-adjustment" submitted by China to the Peace Conference.
India: Political Information - Sir JW Holderness, India Office - Letter, transmitting draft of a dispatch which subject to the Secretary-General's comments thereon it is proposed to address to the Government of India regarding the collection of the information which is to be supplied to the League of Nations Secretariat.
Dhala and the Yemen district - Foreign Office, London - Reports claim of the Imam to suzerainty over this territory - British resident in Aden proposes to state that as according to an agreement with the Turkish Government - Dhala is in the British Protectorate, the Imam must be requested to withdraw his troops and officials.