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File contains correspondence on financial assistance to refugees, on the possibility of creating companies which could employ refugees, possibility of raising funds through sales of Nansen stamps, a sample of an "Irish Free State Hospitals Sweepstake Ticket" horse racing ticket to raise funds for a hospital.

Documents of 1932:
M.L.6-1932(Annexe) "Questionnaire concernant la situation des réfugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens et turcs"
M.C.6-1931 "Comité de direction et Commission des finances réunis"

Document of 1933:
extrait du Journal Officiel de la S.D.N. XIVe année, No.3, mars 1933 page 467 "Lettre des représentants de l'Allemagne, du Pérou et de la Yougoslavie, membres du Comité de Minorités qui a examiné les petitions de MM Essayan et Pachalian, concernant la situation des arméniens de Turquie réfugiés à l'étranger à l'égard du réglement turc du 10 décembre 1930 sur la circulation des voyageurs, ainsi que les observations y rélatives du gouvernement turc"

File contains correspondence on advance requests and repayment guarantees, lists of persons who received such advances, allocation of humanitarian funds through the "Arménienne de Bienfaisance" organisation, statistics of Russian and Armenian refugees obtaining Greek nationality 1921 - 1936, correspondence on the organisation of a lottery and issuance of stamps to collect funds to build accommodation for the additional number of refugees arriving at Erivan, with Geneva Office, certificates of identity, a sample of a cheque.

Documents of 1936:
Extrait du Bulletin de l'enseignement de la Société des Nations, No. 3 "Le problème des réfugiés du point de vue international"
"Instructions concernant la distribution des avances"

Document of 1937:
République française, Ministère des affaires étrangères "Convention relative au statut international des réfugiés du 28 octobre 1933" imprimerie nationale 1937

File contains correspondence on advance requests and repayment guarantees, correspondence with the Geneva Office, certificates of identity, issuance of the new Nansen passport, issuance of the Nansen stamps, repatriation of Armenian refugees to the Soviet Republic of Armenia.

documents of 1934:
P.12-1934 "Appel" [Appeal] for the collection of winter clothing.

documents of 1935:
C./84eSession/P.V.I(I) "Procès-verbal"
G.A.C.24-1935 "Ordre du jour provisoire"
G.A.C.36-1935(1) "Rapport de la Commission intergouvernementale consultative pour les réfugiés sur les travaux de sa septième session"
P.13-1935 Communiqué sur "établissement des réfugiés arméniens en Syrie, l'évacuation ... de réfugiés arméniens à Erivan, l'établissement des réfugiés dans les pays d'outremer et la situation des réfugiés russes en Turquie"
C.A.92.1935 "Conseil d'administration"
document on "Norvège - Emission Nansen - Projet d'une émission commemorative de timbres poste"
C.L.1935.XII "Refugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens, turos - Rapport de la Commission intergouvernementale consultative pour les réfugiés sur les travaux de sa septième session"
I.C.S.1-1935 "Plan for the issue of a certificate of identity to Saar refugees, submitted for the consideration of interested governments in execution of the resolution of the Council of the League"
C.L.120.1935.XII "Refugiés provenant de la Sarre - Extension du régime des passeports Nansen à ces réfugiés"
C.L.111.1935.XII "Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees - Settlement of such refugees in overseas countries"

File contains statistics of Russian and Armenian refugees evacuated from Greece, statistics of emigration by country and continent as well as according to the profession, requests, distribution of assistance lists, receipts and reimbursement of financial assistance to refugees.

File contains information on the situation of Circassian refugees in Greece, Greek authorities communicated sample of identity certificate for Armenian refugees which was similar to the one issued to Russian refugees, minutes of meeting with Greek authorities, number of Armenian refugees in Salonica.
Creator: High Commissariat for Refugees Salonica Office - Armenian Section, later International Labour Office - League of Nations Refugee Section.

File contains Nansen stamps distributed to the Armenian refugees, statistics of Russian and Armenian refugees in and evacuated from Greece, number of Nansen certificates issued, tracing requests carried out, discussion on the issuance of Nansen passports to refugees, insurance contracts for personnel travelling for official purposes, list of BIT (International Labour Office) Section of Refugees delegates in different countries.

S546/02 · File · 1926.01-1926.09
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

File contains mainly emigration offers from different countries to Armenian refugees with specific professional skills, financial and transport arrangement for their evacuation, a printed document dated 12 May 1926 on "Arrangement relatif à la délivrance des certificats d'identité aux réfugiés russes et arméniens complétant et amendant les arrangements antérieurs du 5 juillet 1922 et du 31 mai 1924".