This series contains publications concerning Minorities and is comprised of 396 titles ranging in date from 1910 to 1969 (with greatest coverage in the 1920s and 1930s), containing brochures, bulletins, documents, Festschriften, journals, maps, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, reprints and theses (duplicate copies (40) and periodical issues (10) are included but not individually numbered). Publications concern 12 different countries and are written in 9 different languages, some items having several translations. All topics relate to Minorities and Minorities Law and include: Anti-semitism and relations with Jewish minorities; boundary disputes; folk art and cultural differences; laws of different peoples; societies and institutes; war crimes and world peace.
Many of these items are rare even though reprints and government documents may be available elsewhere.
The file contains replies to the questionnaire, drafting of documents and convention; invitation to a restricted conference to adopt a final text of the convention and nomination of representatives to the conference.
The Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees at its 4th Session expressed the opinion that a formal convention would be the most effective means of assuring refugees of the stability for their legal status, security and stability for settlement and work, facilities for the practice of professions and trade and for travel, admission to schools and universities, assistance and relief and easy and unrestricted access to the courts.
As the first step for the preparation of such convention a questionnaire was prepared to obtain information on the situation of Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees; a circular covering letter was also prepared to accompany the questionnaire.
The file contains drafts of the circular letter, questionnaire and replies.
M.L.6-1932 and (Annexe) - Circular letter and Questionnaire concerning the situation of Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees. (English and French)
Other documents:
Code civil de la République de Chine - Livre IV. de la famille, Livre V. des successions, suivis des Lois de mise en vigueur du 24 janvier 1931
The file contains replies to the questionnaire, drafting of documents and convention; invitation to a restricted conference to adopt a final text of the convention.
G.A.C.2/1933 - 9 January 1933 - Rapport de la Commission des experts à la commission intergouvernementale consultative pour les réfugiés et au Conseil d'administration de l'Office international Nansen pour les réfugiés sur la question de l'utilité de la préparation d'une Convention destinée à assurer la protection des réfugiés lors de la liquidation de l'Office International Nansen
G.A.C.16 - Réfugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens et turcs - Rapport de la Commission intergouvernementale consultative pour les réfugiés sur les travaux de sa Vème session
C.73eSession/P.V.1(1) - 22 May 1933 - Procès-verbal provisoire de la première séance (English and French)
C.311.1933 - 7 May 1933 - Réfugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens et turcs - Rapport de la Commission intergouvernementale et communication du Conseil d'administration de l'Office international Nansen - Rapport du Représentant du Mexique (English and French)
C.266.M.136.1933 - 18 May 1933 - Rapport de la Commission intergouvernementale consultative pour les réfugiés sur les travaux de sa cinquième session et Communication de l'Office international Nansen pour les réfugiés (English and French)