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The Russian Refugees - International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva - Inquires about the persons in the Secretariat dealing with this important question, and the way the Secretariat envisages the future collaboration of the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well that of the Joint Committee of the League of Red Cross Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The Russian Refugees - International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva - Inquires about the persons in the Secretariat dealing with this important question, and the way the Secretariat envisages the future collaboration of the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well that of the Joint Committee of the League of Red Cross Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Bulgarian Prisoners of War in Greece - Forwards copy of a letter relative to 40 Bulgarian prisoners of war retained by the Greeks and employed on public works in the Smyrna area.
Bulgarian Prisoners of War in Greece - Forwards copy of a letter relative to 40 Bulgarian prisoners of war retained by the Greeks and employed on public works in the Smyrna area.
Correspondence between Fridtjof Nansen and the French Government - Draft and copy of a letter from F. Nansen to Aristide Briand concerning the rationing of Russian refugees at Constantinople. C.425.M.306.1921.
Correspondence between Fridtjof Nansen and the French Government - Draft and copy of a letter from F. Nansen to Aristide Briand concerning the rationing of Russian refugees at Constantinople. C.425.M.306.1921.
Correspondence with the French Government for the Rationing of Russian Refugees - Letter from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs informing of his decision to continue to help the Russian Refugees; Printed document "Rationing of Russian Refugees at Constantinople" for the information of the Council and the Members of the League (C.425.M.306.1921.).
Correspondence with the French Government for the Rationing of Russian Refugees - Letter from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs informing of his decision to continue to help the Russian Refugees; Printed document "Rationing of Russian Refugees at Constantinople" for the information of the Council and the Members of the League (C.425.M.306.1921.).
Russian Refugees - Mr. Philip Baker - Letter to Mr. Frick discussing various matters in connection with this subject.
Russian Refugees - Mr. Philip Baker - Letter to Mr. Frick discussing various matters in connection with this subject.
Russian Refugees - Mr. Astrov, Committee of Zemstvos and Russian Towns, Geneva - Exposes some of his ideas on the subject of the current situation of refugees.
Russian Refugees - Mr. Astrov, Committee of Zemstvos and Russian Towns, Geneva - Exposes some of his ideas on the subject of the current situation of refugees.
Athens Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees - Armenian Section's Incoming Correspondence.
Athens Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees - Armenian Section's Incoming Correspondence.
Nansen Office for Refugees - Delegation in Greece.
Nansen Office for Refugees - Delegation in Greece.
Nansen Office for Refugees - Delegation in Greece.
Nansen Office for Refugees - Delegation in Greece.
High Commissioner for Refugees - Russian Refugees - Outgoing Correspondence.
High Commissioner for Refugees - Russian Refugees - Outgoing Correspondence.