Photo (printed copy) of Princess of Tamara of Georgia.
This file contains Copies of Letters Sent by the ICRC in Beijing for Information Regarding These Prisoners and Considering Their Possible Repatriation.
States in Reply to Tel. of Enquiry That 135 Hungarians Were in French Hands at Constantinople and About 50 Working for the British Command in Constantinople and Salonica - The French Have Lately Repatriated 135 and Some Have Been Sent Home From Salonica - No Further Intervention on Their Behalf is Necessary.
This file contains an Appeal on behalf of the refugees in Asia Minor and Greece for resettlement and protection done by Dr. Nansen. it also contains various documents on the work of the Nansen Office for Refugees.
Correspondence with the Geneva Office and the German Authorities.
Correspondence with the Geneva Office and the Japanese authorities; press cuttings.
Correspondence with the Geneva Office and others.
File contains correspondence relating to the legal status of Russian Refugees according to the Soviet authorities, visa delivery to Russian Refugees in Constantinople, as well as a report on the Ukrainian Refugees in Roumania.