Showing 21 results
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Aga Khan, Prince Sadruddin
Aga Khan, Prince Sadruddin
Mr. VECOZOLS (Jules)
Mr. VECOZOLS (Jules)
No. 2062 China and Denmark - Preliminary Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, signed at Nanking, on 12 December 1928, with Declarations and Exchange of Notes of the same date - Registered on 19 June 1929, at the request of the Permanent Delegate of Denmark to the League of Nations and the Minister Plenipotentiary, Director of the Permanent Bureau of the Chinese Delegation to the League of Nations - Treaties Collection, Vol.91
No.2060 Greece and Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes - Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, with annexes, Final Protocol and Protocol of Signature, signed at Athens, 2 November 1927 - Registered on 18 June 1929, at the request of the Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of Greece at Bern - Treaties Collection, Vol.91
No.2252 Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and Czechoslovakia - Consular Convention, signed at Prague on 7 November 1928 - Registered on 16 January 1930, at the request of the Permanent Delegate of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to the League of Nations and the Permanent Delegate of the Czechoslovak Republic to the League of Nations - Treaties Collection, Vol.98