Fait partie de Groupe d’archives mixtes sur les réfugiés (Fonds mixte Nansen)
Report dated 30 August 1933 of the Governing Body of the Nansen International Office for Refugees submitted to the League of Nations thirteenth Assembly in 1932
File including:
- one copy in English and one copy in French of the League of Nations official document A.19 dated 30 August 1933: "Nansen International Office for Refugees - Report of the Governing Body";
- two letters dated 15 July 1933 and 21 August 1933 from the Nansen International Office for Refugees addressed to J. Avenol, Secretary-General of the League of Nations, for communication and observations regarding the draft of the Report on the refugee work prepared by the Governing Body to the forthcoming Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations;
- a document J.C.17-1933 "Report of the Governing Body - Chapter I: Introduction - a) Assembly and Council resolutions b) Modifications of the composition of the Governing Body and of the other organs of the Office c) Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees, etc. Chapter II: Action on the resolutions adopted by the Assembly at its XIIIth Session - a) Refugee Convention b) Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria c) Transfers of Armenian Refugees to the Armenian (Erivan) Republic etc. Chapter III: General activities of the Office - a) Existing state of the refugees problems b) Settlement of the refugees, including tables regarding the "Interventions on behalf of refugees made by the representatives of the Office during the period from July 1st 1932 to May 31st 1933", "Loans granted to organisations from July 1st 1932 to May 15th 1933" and "Refugees settled between July 1st 1932 and May 31st 1933, in the countries where they reside by means of small loans enabling them to become self-supporting - Other assistance by small loans" Chapter IV: Funds administered by the Office and Chapter V: Conclusion regarding "Proposals for the progressive liquidation of the refugee problems", and "Settlement and relief measures";
- two draft copies (one in English and one in French) of document J.C.17-1933 with annotations;
- lists of members of the Governing Body, of staff and representatives, of members of the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees, of organisations members of the Advisory Committee of private refugee relief organisations;
- a report by the President of the Governing Body on his tour in Syria;
- extracts from the Report of the Representative of the Office in Yugoslavia;
- and funds regarding the Near East.