Geneva, 90th session of the League of Nations Council - Soviet move against Uruguay; work with F.P. Walters and J. Avenol on draft report on Danzig; reactions of Poles Danzigers; reactions of German Press and English Press.
Von Radovitz, German Consul General, re von Neurath position on League/Danzig crisis; von Neurath's invitation; meeting with von Neurath in Berlin, concerning the actions of Gauleiter (Regional Leader) Forster; Bewley; visit to Geneva: attendance of Council, meeting with Anthony Eden, Francis Paul Walters from United Kingdom (League of Nations Political Section) on Sean Lester's reappointment.
Enclosed is F. Walters' reply in English of 30 April 1935: Danzig questions to the Council, Rapporteur's report, F. Walters' wish to write to W. Strang about all this.
Extract from: "A History of the League of Nations" by F.P. Walters, published in 1952, regarding the Stresa consultation, Poland's opposition to a Four-Power Pact, the policy of Pilsudski, Poland's desire to be among the Great Powers, the Polish-German Agreement of January 1934, Poland and the Minorities Treaty, the Nazi tyranny in Danzig, the Council and the Danzig Constitution.
Sort of "secret code" established between S. Lester and F. Walters to be able to freely speak on the Danzig situation.
Note from S. Lester to F. Walters, dated 16 March, requesting some papers on Danzig to be sent to the Rapporteur; note of 19 March listing the papers from the High Commissioner at Danzig sent to the Rapporteur.
S. Lester needed an assistant in Danzig: F. Walters suggested a member of the Tanslation Section.
In the absence of the Secretary-General and of L. Krabbe, who was in the Saar to start the Plebiscite Commission, F. Walters acknowledged receipt of S. Lester's letters to the Secretary-General, he assured S. Lester that the previous High Commissioner at Danzig had similar problems; Danzig-Polish new agreement; Lawless seemed to have missed the chance of putting his name forward for the Saar; F. Walters and the Chaco question.
Elections in Danzig made it difficult to pay a visit to S. Lester.
S. Lester wanted some specific information to be sent to the Committee of Three appointed by the Council to follow Danzig affairs, F. Walters found this material also of interest to the Council.