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Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Relations of Mr. Burnier with the Comité Central de Secours.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Relations of Mr. Burnier with the Comité Central de Secours.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Relations of Mr. Burnier with the Friends of Armenia.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Relations of Mr. Burnier with the Friends of Armenia.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Correspondence with the Delegation in Syria.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Correspondence with the Delegation in Syria.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Loan of the Services of Georges Burnier to the French High Commission in Syria as Technical Advisor
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Loan of the Services of Georges Burnier to the French High Commission in Syria as Technical Advisor