Photograph only with a legend in German.
The Irish Journalist wanted to inform S. Lester of the publication of this article on "Danzig", which seemed to him to be an attack on S. Lester, the article explained that in 1922 S. Lester was on the side of rebellion against the established Constitution in Ireland and that when he was appointed League of Nations official, he upheld the Danzig Constitution dictated by the Powers, the article also insisted on the fact that Danzig was a powder-magazine of Europe, and that the laws introduced by the Nazis of Danzig conflicted with the League of Nations' Constitution of Danzig.
Extract from the "Sunday Times": attacks on the Danzig High Commissioner by the German Press on the grounds of his proposal of setting up a Committee to investigate the Danzig situation further to Opposition Parties' complaints and of his criticism of A. Forster and A. Greiser.
Extract from the "Manchester Guardian" on the League of Nations Council session regarding Danzig unsatisfactory situation and petitions, no effective measures taken by A. Greiser as requested by the Council to remedy to discriminatory action taken by the Danzig Nazi Senate, abuses still being perpetrated, violations of the Danzig Constitution; dispute between Soviet Russia and Uruguay.
Extract from the "Danziger Vorposten" Nr. 23 on President A. Greiser and the situation in Danzig after the League of Nations meeting.
Extract from the "Danziger Vorposten" Nr. 26 on the situation in Danzig, Gauleiter A. Forster's speech and S. Lester's annual report.
On Danzig elections: individuals mishandled for supporting the Opposition at the elections; Opposition Press eliminated, electors demanded that the Constitution be respected; H. Rauschning, former President of the Danzig Senate, pointed out that a dictatorship had no place in Danzig, that the city needed freedom and security and he declared himself against the National-Socialists.
Extract from the "Daily Mail": S. Lester's intervention following a National Socialist attack on a German National Party meeting, one of the Danzig Opposition Parties; Danzig National-Socialist leader A. Forster's warning that the Danzig Nazis would not give in to the Opposition Parties.
Extract from the "Sunday Times": attack by armed Nazis on a German National Party meeting, a kind of incident between Nazis and non-Nazis becoming frequent in Danzig; Nazi President of the Danzig Senate A. Greiser's behaviour to the League of Nations; S. Lester's and A. Eden's reports to the League of Nations on the Danzig situation and incidents.
Extract from the "Manchester Guardian".