Senator Boeck (Education) and President of Volkstag E. Beyl; Regierungs-Präsident Budding from East Prussia; A. Eden's first official parliamentary speech as Foreign Minister; inspection and censorship of S. Lester's letter to J. Avenol by the Nazis.
Violent incidents in Danzig discussed with A. Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate; Note on S. Lester's report to the League of Nations on Danzig; Countess Finkenstein, big German land-owner in the East, on A. Forster's regarded as a disaster for Danzig and his possible removal; League of Nations' authority to be saved; Countess Finkenstein's talks with B. Mussolini and A. Hitler; talks about Italo-German rapprochment.
Alexander Cadogan, appointed Assistant Under Secretary of State at the Foreign Office; article by Vladimir d'Ormesson on Nazi regime and A. Hitler.
Holiday in Riesengebirge; "Daily Express" article on S. Lester.
Danzig situation; A. Greiser's, President of the Danzig Senate, and A. Forster's speeches; A. Greiser's attitude, Hitler's position; conversation with Papee, Polish Minister.
Geneva, 90th session of the League of Nations Council - Talk with W. Krauel, German Consul General on A. Forster and on report on Danzig
Geneva, 90th session of the League of Nations Council - Soviet move against Uruguay; work with F.P. Walters and J. Avenol on draft report on Danzig; reactions of Poles Danzigers; reactions of German Press and English Press.
Annual report sent off to Geneva; Budding, Regierungs-President (from East Prussia).
Sir Arthur Willard, Director of the Press Section of the Foreign Office.
Regarding the liquidation of the League of Nations.