Extract from the "Cork Examiner": S. Lester's reputation, qualities, and success as the permanent representative of the Irish Free State to the League of Nations, made him fit to govern the Free City of Danzig as High Commissioner; chronology of events on Danzig.
Extract from the "Journal de Genève": S. Lester appointed High Commissioner of Danzig by the Council of the League of Nations; Polish representatives withdrew their objections to S. Lester's election.
Extract from the "Dublin Evening Mail": S. Lester's qualities made him fit to govern the Free City of Danzig as High Commissioner, a post that demanded tact and diplomacy; S. Lester's appointment was supported by J. Simon, the British Foreign Secretary.
Extract from the "London News Chronicle": S. Lester's appointment as High Commissioner of Danzig; S. Lester's short biography; chronology of events on Danzig.
Extract from the "Irish Times" on S. Lester's appointment as Danzig High Commissioner; explanation of the choice of S. Lester's election; short description of the relationships between Danzig and Poland.
Extract from the "Irish Times": S. Lester appointed High Commissioner of Danzig by the League of Nations' Council; Poles' protest against S. Lester's election; S. Lester supported by J. Simon, leader of the British delegation at Geneva; Danzig High Commissioner's duties; S. Lester's short biography; chronology of events on Danzig.
S. Lester appointed High Commissioner at Danzig by the Council of the League of Nations; Poles' protest against his election; S. Lester supported by J. Simon, leader of the British delegation at Geneva.
Friendly reception in Danzig to welcome S. Lester when he took up his duties of High Commissioner: S. Lester emphasized the fact that Poles, Germans and Danzigers thought that an Irishman would understand their respective points of view and defend their respective interests.
Extract from the "Evening Herald": S. Lester appointed High Commissioner of Danzig by the Council of the League of Nations; Poles' protest against his election; S. Lester supported by J. Simon, leader of the British delegation at Geneva.
S. Lester's letter of thanks for a publication on Danzig and the German-Polish problem entitled "Dantzig et quelques aspects du problème germano-polonais", published in 1932 by the Carnegie Foundation; letters dated 24th November and 2nd December from S. Lester resquesting the Carnegie Foundation an English translation of the publication on Danzig; letter dated 28th November from the Secretary-General of the Carnegie Foundation explaining that it only existed an article in English from van Hamel published in the "bulletin de la Conciliation Internationale américaine, no.288".