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C1519/415/20A/80201/17460 · File · 1931-1933
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

Requesting C. Goulkevitch, member of the Managing Committee and the Administration or Governing Body of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, to help publicize the appeal for the Nansen Memorial Fund in the Russian refugee press. The question is also raised of a basis for distributing the subsidies which the organisations represented by Mr. Goulkevitch might consider fair.

C1519/415/20A/80257/17460 · File · 1931-1938
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

This file contains telegrams, photos, translations of letters and notes raising amongst others the question of the competence of the office in dealing with certain requests as documented by notes exchanged between Major T.F. Johnson [Secretary-General from 1931] and G. Zwerner [member of staff]. The file includes samples of passports proposed by private persons to the Nansen International Office for Refugees.