Refugees - Discussions at the 77th Session of the Council, October 1933.
Documents Presented to and Discussed at 9th Session of Governing Body of the Nansen Office.
Refugees - Discussions at the 15th Ordinary Session of the Assembly, September 1934.
Refugees - Discussions at 84th Session of the Council, January 1935.
Refugees - Discussions at the 86th Session of the Council, May 1935. C.L.94 of 29th June 1935.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Report of the Governing Body to the 14th Session of the Assembly, 1933.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Managing Committee and Finance Commission - Reports Regarding the Works of the Mixed Sessions.
Proposed Organisation for [international] assistance to International Refugees - Correspondence with Comité d'Assistance aux étrangers de la Croix-Rouge de Belgique.
Situation of Russian Refugees in Turkey.
Situation of Russian Refugees taking refuge in Japan and other countries.