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Affichage de 291 résultats

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Question des biens "abandonnés" et dépôts en banque - Correspondance et documents divers.
Question des biens "abandonnés" et dépôts en banque - Correspondance et documents divers.
Case of Mr. Aram Tchouhadjian.
Case of Mr. Aram Tchouhadjian.
Political Situation in Turkey - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 27) - Reports need for a speedy Peace - Allies openly threatened - Peace terms involving the separation from Turkey of Constantinople and Smyrna and the creation of a greater Armenia can, according to Admiral de Robeck, only be imposed by force - The Assyrio-Chaldean Delegation have again brought forward their claim for secular rights.
Political Situation in Turkey - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 27) - Reports need for a speedy Peace - Allies openly threatened - Peace terms involving the separation from Turkey of Constantinople and Smyrna and the creation of a greater Armenia can, according to Admiral de Robeck, only be imposed by force - The Assyrio-Chaldean Delegation have again brought forward their claim for secular rights.
Transfert en Tchécoslovaquie d'étudiants russes réfugiés à Constantinople.
Transfert en Tchécoslovaquie d'étudiants russes réfugiés à Constantinople.
Dossier à ce sujet: Assistance aux Refugiés Russes Isréalites à Constantinople et projet d'installation en Palestine.
Dossier à ce sujet: Assistance aux Refugiés Russes Isréalites à Constantinople et projet d'installation en Palestine.
Dossier concerning Australian agricultural scheme for Russian Refugees in Constantinople, etc.
Dossier concerning Australian agricultural scheme for Russian Refugees in Constantinople, etc.
Dossier concerning disposal of Wrangel Refugees in Gallipoli.
Dossier concerning disposal of Wrangel Refugees in Gallipoli.
Miscellaneous enquiries from Constantinople as to the whereabouts of individual Russian Refugees in other places.
Miscellaneous enquiries from Constantinople as to the whereabouts of individual Russian Refugees in other places.
Russian Refugee School at Boyuk-Dere, Constantinople - Dossier concerning.
Russian Refugee School at Boyuk-Dere, Constantinople - Dossier concerning.
Assistance to Princess Gagarine and Family, Russian Refugees at Constantinople - Dossier concerning.
Assistance to Princess Gagarine and Family, Russian Refugees at Constantinople - Dossier concerning.