Hitler's Bombshell created consternation in Europe, follow-up of Hitler's announcement, reactions of France, Great-Britain and Poland, France has appealed to the Council of the League of Nations.
Announcement by Hitler of re-occupation of demilitarized zone and of readiness to replace Locarno Pact by non-agression-pacts with France and Belgium, and to make pact with Lithuania regarding Poland's access to the sea.
File mainly contains receipts, account statements and copies of various letters concerning loans and debts.
It contains documents about France.
This file contains only one paper with one name mentioned "Lionel Dadourian".
This file content is a set of documents related to the transfers of Armenian refugees from France to Egypt.
This file content is a set of documents related to the transfers of Armenian refugees from France to Syria.
This file content is a set of documents related to the transfers of Armenian refugees from France to Argentina and South America..
This file content is a set of correspondence related to the resettlement of Armenian refugees from Finland to France.