Assassinations by military of Japanese Cabinet ministers; Italian war and possible oil embargo.
Di Lieto, Italian Consul General.
Violent incidents in Danzig discussed with A. Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate; Note on S. Lester's report to the League of Nations on Danzig; Countess Finkenstein, big German land-owner in the East, on A. Forster's regarded as a disaster for Danzig and his possible removal; League of Nations' authority to be saved; Countess Finkenstein's talks with B. Mussolini and A. Hitler; talks about Italo-German rapprochment.
Robert Cecil on UK and other policies in Far East (Sino-Japanese dispute); U.S. observer at Council; De Madariaga and the Italo-Abyssinian question.
Application of economic and financial sanctions by the League of Nations against Italy.
Count Amedeo Ponzone, Consul General of Italy.
Bugging High Commissioner's residence; Count Amedeo Ponzone, Consul General of Italy.
Sanctions against Italy; Dr. Grundmann, Hon. consul general for Bulgaria, in Danzig; International Court on amendment to Danzig Criminal Code; Zarski, editor of the "Danziger Vorposten", organ of the National Socialist Party.