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Port d'attache for Polish war ships at Danzig - Discussion at the 46th Session of the Council, September 1927.
Port d'attache for Polish war ships at Danzig - Discussion at the 46th Session of the Council, September 1927.
"Port d'attache" at Danzig for Polish War Ships - Arrangements for the examination of this question by the Naval Sub-Committee of the P.A.C. December 1927.
"Port d'attache" at Danzig for Polish War Ships - Arrangements for the examination of this question by the Naval Sub-Committee of the P.A.C. December 1927.
Port d'attache for Polish warships at Danzing - Information communicated by the High Commissioner, 15 November 1927 - Council document C.571.1927.I.
Port d'attache for Polish warships at Danzing - Information communicated by the High Commissioner, 15 November 1927 - Council document C.571.1927.I.
Access to and anchorage in the port of Danzig for Polish war vessels - Adoption of this name to replace that of "Home port" - Council document C.570.M.202.1927.I.
Access to and anchorage in the port of Danzig for Polish war vessels - Adoption of this name to replace that of "Home port" - Council document C.570.M.202.1927.I.
Access to and anchorage in the port of Danzig for Polish war vessels - Discussion relating to this subject during the 48th session of the Council, December 1927 - Council document C.627.1927.I.
Access to and anchorage in the port of Danzig for Polish war vessels - Discussion relating to this subject during the 48th session of the Council, December 1927 - Council document C.627.1927.I.
Access and stationing of Polish warships in the port of Danzig - Preparation of the report from Mr. Villegas, Rapporter at the 48th session of the Council, December 1927.
Access and stationing of Polish warships in the port of Danzig - Preparation of the report from Mr. Villegas, Rapporter at the 48th session of the Council, December 1927.
Health Conditions in the Free City of Dantzig - General Haking - Forwards copies of letter from the President of the Danzig Senate, and letter from the Danzig High Commissioner, to the Polish Commissioner General in Danzig, relative to the possible spread to Danzig of the cholera epidemic in Russia.
Health Conditions in the Free City of Dantzig - General Haking - Forwards copies of letter from the President of the Danzig Senate, and letter from the Danzig High Commissioner, to the Polish Commissioner General in Danzig, relative to the possible spread to Danzig of the cholera epidemic in Russia.
Dossier concerning the representation of Danzig at the Second Assembly.
Dossier concerning the representation of Danzig at the Second Assembly.
Supply of League of Nations official documents to the Danzig Administration
Supply of League of Nations official documents to the Danzig Administration
Attendance of Danzig Representatives at the XIV Session of the Council
Attendance of Danzig Representatives at the XIV Session of the Council