K. Papee's Letter to A. Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate, on A. Greiser's Alleged Speech, Published by the Volksstimme: "Präsident Greiser über Danzig, öffentliche national-sozialistische Versammlung in Schidlitz"
S. Lester's Farewell Dinner Speech at the International Club
League of Nations Document, Information Section, on "Sean Lester"
Press Cutting "Irishman Made the Ruler of Danzig - Once a Sinn Fein Prisoner in an English Gaol: Sir John Simon's Tribute"
Press Cutting "New Post for Mr. Lester - Our Delegate to League of Nations"
Press Cutting "Mr. Sean Lester"
Press Cutting on S. Lester's Appointment
Press Cutting "Dantzig: la déconvenue du hitlérisme et le devoir de la Société des Nations"
Press Cutting "Danzig Nazis' Tactics - High Commissioner's Protest - Rights of Opposition"
L. Krabbe's Letter to F. Walters on League of Nations Council Agenda: Catholic Petition, Jewish, Zentrum and "Volkstimme" Petitions, Other Danzig Questions, High Commissioner's Report