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Chinese Political Claims and Questions - Secretary-General - Minute recording the visit of two Members of the Chinese Peace Delegation, who expressed the hope that the League of Nations would presently deal with the Chinese Political Claims and Questions - Transmits copy of the "Questions for re-adjustment" submitted by China to the Peace Conference.
Political Situation in Turkey - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 27) - Reports need for a speedy Peace - Allies openly threatened - Peace terms involving the separation from Turkey of Constantinople and Smyrna and the creation of a greater Armenia can, according to Admiral de Robeck, only be imposed by force - The Assyrio-Chaldean Delegation have again brought forward their claim for secular rights.
Portuguese works at Macao - Foreign Office, London (Report No. 27) - British Government have informed their Representative at Canton, that they attach greatest importance to a compromise, as they could not remain impervious to Chinese agression upon Portuguese territory - It is hoped that the Canton Government will allow continuation of harbour works.
Protection of Armenia - Mr. Arthur G. Symonds, Sec. to the British Armenia Committee - Transmits copy of two Resolutions passed by the British Armenia Committee urging upon the British Government the necessity for 1) The immediate delimitation of the frontiers of Erivan, Georgia and Azerbaijan 2) The adequate protection of the Christian inhabitants of Cilicia.
Revenue and expenditure of the Armenian State - Armenian Delegation, Paris - Revenue and expenditure assessment project of the future Armenian State showing that it will soon be able to stand alone, thanks to the construction of railways and canals, mineral and agricultural wealth of the Armenian Republic and its hydraulic forces
Protection of Armenia - Council of the League of Nations - Text of reply to the Supreme Council's letter dated from San Remo - The Council earnestly hopes that America will accept the Mandate, and offers to assist the Supreme Council with all the means at its disposal in the future safeguarding of the Armenian State.