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Document · 1935.03.22
Part of Private Archives

Catholic Bishop O'Rourke denounced pagan tendencies, Marxism and Bolshevism in politics; A. Forster's speech: people giving information to the High Commissioner were "traitors and separatists"; A. Greiser's remarks: National Socialism accepted by whole German people except some anti-German elements in Danzig protected by an out-of-date Constitution.

Document · 1935.02.23
Part of Private Archives

Extract from the "Independent" on the dissolution of the Volkstag: since the result of the Saar plebiscite, Nazis's agitation increased in Danzig, by the use of the majority they obtained at the last election of the Volkstag, Nazis forced a dissolution of the Volkstag, in the hope a new election would give them nearly all of the seats; their main objective was to make Danzig to return to Germany.

Document · 1935.07.04
Part of Private Archives

Weise from Deutschnational Party refused to vote for recent Danzig Government's measures and to form a Deutsches Front; measures taken by the Poles described as protective by them and reprisals by Danziger: Polish trade diverted from Danzig; S. Lester's letter of 22 June 1935 to A. Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate, on press bans: "Die Neue Zeit" and "Danziger Echo" suppressed and on editor T. Loevy's expulsion from Danzig; S. Lester's note of 26 June 1935 on "Alleged continuation of anti-Jewish campaign", as well as on the new Bank decree issued on 29 June 1935: "Gesetzblatt für die Freie Stadt Danzig", no. 68.