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Affichage de 1832 résultats

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Extract from the "Danziger Volkstimme" on A. Greiser's Press Interview Following His Visit to Poland
Extract from the "Danziger Volkstimme" on A. Greiser's Press Interview Following His Visit to Poland
Press Cutting on "Fifinella's Fringe" with a Press Photographe of Fifinella(?)
Press Cutting on "Fifinella's Fringe" with a Press Photographe of Fifinella(?)
Press Cutting on "Fifinella Comes to Town and Visits a Certain City Office"
Press Cutting on "Fifinella Comes to Town and Visits a Certain City Office"
Les Réfugiés Russes - Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, Genève - Demande quelles sont les personnes qui s'occupent au Secrétariat de cette importante question, et de quelle façon le Secrétariat envisage la collaboration ultérieure du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, ainsi que du Comité mixte de la Ligue de Sociétés de la Croix Rouge et du Comité International de la Croix Rouge.
Les Réfugiés Russes - Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, Genève - Demande quelles sont les personnes qui s'occupent au Secrétariat de cette importante question, et de quelle façon le Secrétariat envisage la collaboration ultérieure du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, ainsi que du Comité mixte de la Ligue de Sociétés de la Croix Rouge et du Comité International de la Croix Rouge.
Correspondence with the French Government for the Rationing of Russian Refugees - Letter from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs informing of his decision to continue to help the Russian Refugees; Printed document "Rationing of Russian Refugees at Constantinople" for the information of the Council and the Members of the League (C.425.M.306.1921.).
Correspondence with the French Government for the Rationing of Russian Refugees - Letter from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs informing of his decision to continue to help the Russian Refugees; Printed document "Rationing of Russian Refugees at Constantinople" for the information of the Council and the Members of the League (C.425.M.306.1921.).
Correspondence between Fridtjof Nansen and the French Government - Draft and copy of a letter from F. Nansen to Aristide Briand concerning the rationing of Russian refugees at Constantinople. C.425.M.306.1921.
Correspondence between Fridtjof Nansen and the French Government - Draft and copy of a letter from F. Nansen to Aristide Briand concerning the rationing of Russian refugees at Constantinople. C.425.M.306.1921.
Russian Refugees - Mr. Philip Baker - Letter to Mr. Frick discussing various matters in connection with this subject.
Russian Refugees - Mr. Philip Baker - Letter to Mr. Frick discussing various matters in connection with this subject.
Les Réfugiés Russes - M. Astrov, Comité des Zemstvos et Villes Russes, Genève - Expose quelques-unes de ses idées du sujet de la situation actuelle des réfugiés.
Les Réfugiés Russes - M. Astrov, Comité des Zemstvos et Villes Russes, Genève - Expose quelques-unes de ses idées du sujet de la situation actuelle des réfugiés.
Bulgarian Prisoners of War in Greece - Forwards copy of a letter relative to 40 Bulgarian prisoners of war retained by the Greeks and employed on public works in the Smyrna area.
Bulgarian Prisoners of War in Greece - Forwards copy of a letter relative to 40 Bulgarian prisoners of war retained by the Greeks and employed on public works in the Smyrna area.
High Commissioner for Refugees - Russian Refugees - Outgoing Correspondence.
High Commissioner for Refugees - Russian Refugees - Outgoing Correspondence.