Affichage de 2306 résultats

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1680 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Arbitrage Tribunaux International
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This series contains publications on Arbitrage Tribunaux International and is comprised of 101 titles ranging in date from 1899 to 1949 (with greatest coverage in the 1920s), containing brochures, bulletins, documents, pamphlets, and reprints (duplicate copies (19) are included but not indivually numbered). Publications concern 14 different countries and are written in 7 different languages, some items having several translations. All topics relate to Arbitration and include: boundary arbitration, commercial arbitration; Hague Peace conferences and the Court of Arbitration; international conferences; International Court of Justice communiques; International Court of Justice opinions and sentences; League of Nations cases and memoranda, analyses of arbitrations; lectures; mixed arbitral courts and settlements; Treaty of Versailles; Unites States relations with the World Courts, U.S. adherence to World Court, and public opinions about the U.S. and World Court; the World Court, its history, the protocol, and the Court as a factor in world peace.

Many of these items are rare even though reprints and government documents may possibley be available elsewhere. However, this collection is very useful and interesting for researchers working on Arbitrage questions.

Associations Pacifistes (DB) Federalisme
LON/BPC/APF · Série · 1912-1959
Fait partie de Collections

This series is comprised of 870 titles ranging in dates from 1912-1959 (with the majority of items dated in the 1920s-1940s). The material - brochures, pamphlets, scripts, leaflets, posters, flyers and newspaper clippings - concerns peace societies and peace work in 10 different countries and is written in 8 different languages. Some publications have several translations, including a few items in Esperanto. Duplicate copies are included and individually numbered. Plubcations illustrate the activities of international peace societies such as the Federal Council of Churches in America, National Peace Council, League of Free Nations Association, World Movement for World Federal Government, Society of Friends (Quakers), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and League to Abolish War. This series also has extensive coverage on teh work of the National Council for Prevention of War.

LON/BPC/DRO/22 · Document · 1964
Fait partie de Collections