This series contains congress progammes and congress reports, brochures, pamphlets, books and periodicals. The publications range in date from 1912 to 1955, although most of the documents date from the late 1920s and the 1930s. Most documents are written in English or French, some in German and very few in other languages. They deal with international youth organizations, national associations, internatinoal youth meetings, youth services and youth activities.
Meetings; staff questions; financial arrangements and matters; budget; location of headquarters; printing services; distribution and despatch of documents; World Health Assembly; Executive Board documentation; laissez-passer for delegations; travel agency; representation of United Nations at WHO meetings.
Correspondence; texts; short-term trends of the world economic situation; economic trends, problems, and policies.
General; international rivers; census of inland waterway and harbour craft; rates; traffic statistics; equipment.
Consultation of experts; Conference on Economic and administrative Aspect of Water Pollution Control in Europe; Water Resources Development Centre; European Federation for the Protection of Waters; ISO Technical Committee; UN Water Conference; International River Commission; International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade; water management; water resources; panel on pollution through radio-active wastes; rational utilization; legal, and administrative aspects of water pollution problems; water quality criteria; waste effluents; detergents; human environment; protection of ground and surface water against pollution by oil and oil products; sludge treatment; combined treatment of sewage and industrial wastes; Manual for the Compilation of Balances of Water Resources and Needs; annual precipitation; run-off; networks of water quality minitoring stations; prevention; pollution by agriculture and forestry; pollution of coastal and estuarial waters from inland sources; national water institutions; flood control planning; desalination; groundwater; polllution of transboundary rivers and international lakes; water pollution from animal production; transboundary pollution.
Films, television, photographs, filmstrips.