Translation in French of K. Papee's letter regarding A. Greiser's speech on Danzig, on the Polish-German Pact, on alleged negotiations between Berlin and Geneva, as well as between Berlin and Warsaw.
Draft letter written down under pressure from S. Jacklin from the League of Nations Finances; S. Jacklin's work outside Geneva to collect funds; change in the attitude of the Swiss Government towards the League of Nations; Swiss to stop paying; arguments for maintaining Geneva.
Extract from the "Manchester Guardian": explanations on the status of Danzig, German city at the head of the Polish corridor, dependent on Poland for its commercial prosperity.
Documents on J. Avenol's resignation communicated to the Council and the Members of the League of Nations: letter, dated 16 August 1940 from J. Avenol to the President of the Council, and letter, dated 21 August 1940, from A. Costa du Rels, President of the Council to J. Avenol.
S. Lester as Acting Secretary-General transmitted to the Council and Members of the League of Nations a telegram dated 27 August 1940 from C.J. Hambro, President of the Twentieth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, on J. Avenol's resignation and S. Lester's new duties.
Extract from the "Irish Times": following his remarks at the inaugural meeting of the Literary and Historical Society in Dublin, F. MacDermot explained in a letter to the Editor of the Irish Times that he was not at all hostile to the League of Nations, contrary to the impression he might have given.
Note prepared for Kelly: S. Lester's comments on J. Avenol's plans regarded as a disgusting treason to his post.
Extract from the "International Who's Who".
Events during J. Avenol's absence; anti-epidemic action in China.
London talk with Chairman on S. Lester's new responsibilities and the crisis events.