Affichage de 1189 résultats

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Extract from the "Danziger Volkstimme" on A. Greiser's Press Interview Following His Visit to Poland
Extract from the "Danziger Volkstimme" on A. Greiser's Press Interview Following His Visit to Poland
League of Nations Council Minutes: Seventy-First Session, Fourth Meeting on the Free City of Danzig
League of Nations Council Minutes: Seventy-First Session, Fourth Meeting on the Free City of Danzig
Press Cutting "Mr. Sean Lester"
Press Cutting "Mr. Sean Lester"
Press Cutting "Irishman Made the Ruler of Danzig - Once a Sinn Fein Prisoner in an English Gaol: Sir John Simon's Tribute"
Press Cutting "Irishman Made the Ruler of Danzig - Once a Sinn Fein Prisoner in an English Gaol: Sir John Simon's Tribute"
Press Cutting "New Post for Mr. Lester - Our Delegate to League of Nations"
Press Cutting "New Post for Mr. Lester - Our Delegate to League of Nations"
Press Cutting "Irishman Appointed High Commissioner for Danzig: Free State Delegate to League of Nations - Polish Objection: British Foreign Secretary's Support - Comedy of Contretemps"
Press Cutting "Irishman Appointed High Commissioner for Danzig: Free State Delegate to League of Nations - Polish Objection: British Foreign Secretary's Support - Comedy of Contretemps"
Press Cutting "Irishman Appointed High Commissioner for Danzig - American to be Head of League Organisation for Assistance of German Refugees"
Press Cutting "Irishman Appointed High Commissioner for Danzig - American to be Head of League Organisation for Assistance of German Refugees"
Press Cutting "Danzig"
Press Cutting "Danzig"
Press Cutting "Danzig and Dublin"
Press Cutting "Danzig and Dublin"
Press Cutting "Irishman for Danzig - Mr. Sean Lester Commissioner"
Press Cutting "Irishman for Danzig - Mr. Sean Lester Commissioner"