Discussion with Locht, Belgian representative, and von Radowitz, German Consul General, on Hitler's coup-de-force; ex-President Ziehm on S. Lester's actions (Ziehm was German Nationalist President of the Senate).
Noë's prophecies and fears on the outcome of the German situation, prospects of war; Hitler's speech in Munich; German conditions to accept the invitation to attend the League of Nations Council; comments on dictatorships, Hitler and Mussolini.
Comments on Hitler's speech in Munich; letter from an American interested in S. Lester.
Events of past six weeks - New Danzig government policy; role of Hitler; riots in Poland, anti-sovietism; session with Danzig Senate; possible renewal of S. Lester's mandate; 11 May session of League of Nations; Abyssinia; S. Lester's re-appointment: A. Eden, J. Avenol; future League of Nations position in Danzig; disarray in Geneva; Dublin reaction to work in Danzig; American Shoe Club: collection of shoes that have been worn by men of renown.
More outrages - Attention drawn to Gauleiter (Regional Leader) A. Forster's activity; A. Forster, from Nazi Party, publicly claimed he represented the Führer.
Danzig situation; A. Greiser's, President of the Danzig Senate, and A. Forster's speeches; A. Greiser's attitude, Hitler's position; conversation with Papee, Polish Minister.
Alexander Cadogan, appointed Assistant Under Secretary of State at the Foreign Office; article by Vladimir d'Ormesson on Nazi regime and A. Hitler.
Violent incidents in Danzig discussed with A. Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate; Note on S. Lester's report to the League of Nations on Danzig; Countess Finkenstein, big German land-owner in the East, on A. Forster's regarded as a disaster for Danzig and his possible removal; League of Nations' authority to be saved; Countess Finkenstein's talks with B. Mussolini and A. Hitler; talks about Italo-German rapprochment.
Day at Neustadt: gossip on heads of states, King George, A. Hitler, B. Mussolini.
Announcement by Hitler of re-occupation of demilitarized zone and of readiness to replace Locarno Pact by non-agression-pacts with France and Belgium, and to make pact with Lithuania regarding Poland's access to the sea.