Discussion with Locht, Belgian representative, and von Radowitz, German Consul General, on Hitler's coup-de-force; ex-President Ziehm on S. Lester's actions (Ziehm was German Nationalist President of the Senate).
Meeting of the League of Nations Council in London with invitation to Germany to be represented.
Noë's prophecies and fears on the outcome of the German situation, prospects of war; Hitler's speech in Munich; German conditions to accept the invitation to attend the League of Nations Council; comments on dictatorships, Hitler and Mussolini.
Events of past six weeks - New Danzig government policy; role of Hitler; riots in Poland, anti-sovietism; session with Danzig Senate; possible renewal of S. Lester's mandate; 11 May session of League of Nations; Abyssinia; S. Lester's re-appointment: A. Eden, J. Avenol; future League of Nations position in Danzig; disarray in Geneva; Dublin reaction to work in Danzig; American Shoe Club: collection of shoes that have been worn by men of renown.
Sanctions against Italy; Dr. Grundmann, Hon. consul general for Bulgaria, in Danzig; International Court on amendment to Danzig Criminal Code; Zarski, editor of the "Danziger Vorposten", organ of the National Socialist Party.
Some Danziger views on Nazis; epistolary curiosities.
Senator Blavier; A. Greiser's, President of the Danzig Senate, bloomer on the Polish-Danzig Pact.
Violence in Danzig at Deutsch-National meeting.
Sean Lester's mediation concerning young Nazi storm troopers in Danzig.