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Affichage de 92 résultats

Description archivistique
Office Nansen pour Réfugiés - Comité de Direction et Commission des Finances - Rapports sur les travaux des sessions mixtes.
Office Nansen pour Réfugiés - Comité de Direction et Commission des Finances - Rapports sur les travaux des sessions mixtes.
Office Nansen pour réfugiés - Rapport du Conseil d'Administration pour la 14e Session de l'Assemblée, 1933.
Office Nansen pour réfugiés - Rapport du Conseil d'Administration pour la 14e Session de l'Assemblée, 1933.
Documents Presented to and Discussed at 9th Session of Governing Body of the Nansen Office.
Documents Presented to and Discussed at 9th Session of Governing Body of the Nansen Office.
Armenian orphanage, Aleppo - Registry of inmates - N° 1101-1200.
Armenian orphanage, Aleppo - Registry of inmates - N° 1101-1200.
Armenian orphanage, Aleppo - Registry of inmates - N° 601-700.
Armenian orphanage, Aleppo - Registry of inmates - N° 601-700.
Armenian orphanage, Aleppo - Registry of inmates - N° 1-100.
Armenian orphanage, Aleppo - Registry of inmates - N° 1-100.
Armenian Orphanage, Aleppo
Armenian Orphanage, Aleppo
Settlement in various countries - Housing of Armenian Refugees in Greece.
Settlement in various countries - Housing of Armenian Refugees in Greece.
Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria.
Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria.
Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria - Future arrangements for Refugee work in Syria.
Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria - Future arrangements for Refugee work in Syria.