Affichage de 3391 résultats

Description archivistique
Administrative Commissions - Danzig
Administrative Commissions - Danzig
Notes Concerning Dantzig: Correspondence
Notes Concerning Dantzig: Correspondence
Lettre et communication concernant le rapport envoyé au Comité des Trois, sur demande du Haut-Commissaire à Dantzig
Lettre et communication concernant le rapport envoyé au Comité des Trois, sur demande du Haut-Commissaire à Dantzig
Dworetzki, S. - Dantzig
Dworetzki, S. - Dantzig
"Feuilleton Baronin Bertha von Suttner", in "Danziger Zeitung", Danzig
"Feuilleton Baronin Bertha von Suttner", in "Danziger Zeitung", Danzig
"Vom Weltfrauenbund", in "Danziger Neueste Nachrichten"
"Vom Weltfrauenbund", in "Danziger Neueste Nachrichten"
Danziger, Alexander; Danziger, born Kovaleff, Helene
Danziger, Alexander; Danziger, born Kovaleff, Helene
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Appointment of Representative of the High Commissioner in accordance with the Resolutions of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Legal Status of Refugees, Geneva - 28-30 June 1928 - Danzig
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Appointment of Representative of the High Commissioner in accordance with the Resolutions of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Legal Status of Refugees, Geneva - 28-30 June 1928 - Danzig
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Heimatlos - Leon Koppelmann, [Free City of Danzig], requesting Nansen Passport
International Labour Office Refugees Service - Heimatlos - Leon Koppelmann, [Free City of Danzig], requesting Nansen Passport