[Nansen International Office for Refugees] - Correspondence of A. Kotelnikoff [Kotelnikov].
Appeal for funds, 1931 - Various correspondence.
Appeal for funds - Contributions to Nansen Memorial Fund.
Press Cuttings, Articles (biographical, Bertha von Suttner)
Caricature from Alois Derso and Emery Kelen "Association internationale des journalistes accrédités auprès de la SDN - Déjeuner de la presse à l'occasion de la XIII Assemblée"
Extract from "The Last Secretary-General", by Douglas Gageby, Town House, Dublin, 1999
Articles, Reviews (Criticism)
Press Cutting "Mr. de Valera for Geneva? - International Interest in Ireland's Future - Renewed Vigour"
Articles on the Czar's Peace Manifest
Press Cuttings "Irish Celebration at Swiss University - Many graceful International Tributes", Extract from the "Irish Independent"; and "Irish Society in Switzerland"