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Tariff level - Method A.
S93/43/1 · File · 1925-1927
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

The file contains documents (statistics) regarding Spain's customs policy and a trade policy overview, comparisons of maximum and minimum tariffs or customs duties by country and good (product) and years 1913 versus 1925.

Ms. WARD (Gwenllian Vera)
S903/208/3691 · File · 1919-1946
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

Born: 28 Aug. 1893 in Stowerhill (Suffolk), England.
Nationality: British.
Career before entering Secretariat:
2 years with the French Ravitaillement. Trafalgar House, London; Worked with the Supreme Economic Council.
Career in Secretariat:
23 July 1919: Assistant Secretary & Stenographer, (Gwenllian Veran; from 10 Jan.1920 as Secretary; from 1 Jan. 1922 as Secretary of Section;
6 Apr. 1946: Shorthand-Typist, Pool.
Left Secretariat: 17 May 1940 and 18 Apr. 1946.

Mr. PIACHAUD (René Louis)
S854bis/159/2826 · File · 1922-1934
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

Born: 19 Jan. 1896 – Geneva, Switzerland.
Nationality: Swiss.
Career before entering Secretariat: Proof-reader; Journalist.
Career in Secretariat:
1 May 1922: Indexer; from 23 Apr. 1923 Proof-Reader, Printing & Publications Dept.; from 1 May 1927 Clerk, Legal Section.
Left Secretariat: 31 May 1934.
Later Career: [Contains press clippings from the “Journal de Genève” for which René Piachaud was writing in 1934 and “Le Moment”]

S851/156/2751 · File · 1927-1932
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

Born: 12 Oct. 1887 – Caltagirone (Sicily) [Italy]
Nationality: Italian.
Career before entering Secretariat: Italian diplomatic service (Minister Plenipotentiary); 4 years “Chef de Cabinet” [Principal Private Secretary] to S.E. M. Mussolini.
Career in Secretariat:
27 Mar. 1927: Under-Secretary General in charge of Internal Administration.
Left Secretariat: 8 Nov. 1932.

Mr. NICOLOFF (Antonii)
S842/147/2613 · File · 1935.06-1937.07
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

Born: 14 July 1908 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nationality: Bulgarian.
Career before entering Secretariat: Avocat à la Cour de Sofia; Assistant de Droit international public et privé, Faculté de Droit à Sofia; Collaborateru aux journaux "La Paix" et "La Parole Bulgare" [Lawyer at the Court of Sofia; Assistant in public and private international law, Faculty of Law, Sofia; Contributor to the newspapers "La Paix" and "La Parole Bulgare"].
Career in Secretariat:
5 Sept. 1935: temporary collaborator for 3 weeks, Information Section.

S77/27/4 · File · 1921-1922
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

This file contains press articles relating to the economy of Russia, mostly from the "Russian Information and Review".

S755/60/963 · File · 1920.03-1938.10.20
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

Born: 20 Jan. 1892 in Barnstaple (Devon), England.
Nationality: British.
Career before Secretariat: Army lecturer in History & English; Published articles on German politics in "Land & Water" and "Hilbert Journal"; Hawthornden Prize for English Literature (1931).
Career in Secretariat: 15 Apr. 1920: Chief Translator - English Interpretation and Translators Section and from 16 Oct. 1931 as Chief of Document Service.
Left Secretariat: 31 Oct. 1937.

Ms. CRESSWELL (Yvonne Neve)
S748bis/53/848 · File · 1927-1929
Part of League of Nations Secretariat

Born: 5 Feb. 1902 - Calcutta, India.
Nationality: British.
Career before entering Secretariat: Cambridge University Typewriting Office, Mayfair Bureau at London.
Career in Secretariat:
1 Nov. 1927: Shorthand-typist - London Office.
Left Secretariat: [Died] 30 June 1929.