Economic and Financial Section - Registry files for the second period (1928-1932). Include 10A (General), 10B (Statistics), 10C (Customs), 10D (Economics), 10E (Finance).
Disarmament Section - Registry files for the second period (1928-32). Include 7A (Disarmament - General), 7B (Disarmament Conference).
Communications and Transit Section - Registry files for the second period (1928-1932). Include 9A (Transit), 9B (River Navigation), 9C (Ports and Sea Navigation), 9D (Railways), 9E (Electricity), 9F (Road Traffic), 9G (Posts and Telegraphs), 9H (Air Navigation).
Economic and Financial Section - Registry files for the third period (1933-1946). Include 10A (Economic relations), 10B (Economic intelligence), 10C (Finance), 10D (Monetary and Economic Conference, London 1933).
Many of the records seem originally to have belonged to the "private papers" of B. Renborg.
Disarmament Section - Registry files for the third period (1933-1946). Include 7A (Disarmament - General), 7B (Disarmament Conference).
Mandates Section - Registry files for the second period (1928-1932). Include 6A (Mandates), 6B (Slavery).