Files contains correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from Estonia to France and their employment at the "Société des aciéries d'Ugine", Ugine (transportation, accounts, etc.).
Files contains correspondence relating to the transfer of a group of 50 Russian Refugees from Estonia to France and their employment at the "Cie d'aciéries de Knutange", Knutange, Moselle (transportation, accounts, etc.).
Files contains various correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from Estonia to Paraguay (transportation, employment, etc.).
Files contains various correspondence relating to the transfer of a group of 7 Russian Refugees from France to Argentina (transportation, employment, accounts, etc.).
Files contains various correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from France to Canada (employment, accounts, etc).
Files contains various correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from France to Romania (transportation, employment, etc.).
Files contains various correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from Germany to Canada (transportation, employment, etc.).
Files contains correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from Greece to Brazil (transportation, employment, etc.).
Files contains correspondence relating to the transfer of Russian Refugees from Greece to France (transportation, employment, accounts, etc.).
Contains acknowledgement of receipt and reply to circular letter C.L.268.1931.