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Showing 464 results
Archival description
Section files
Section files
Registry files (1919-1927)
Registry files (1919-1927)
Office of Mr. Rosenborg
Office of Mr. Rosenborg
Archives of Mandates for the Protection of Albanian Muslim Minorities in Greece
Archives of Mandates for the Protection of Albanian Muslim Minorities in Greece
Arbitrary Judgements rendered by the Neutral Members of the Mixed Commission
Arbitrary Judgements rendered by the Neutral Members of the Mixed Commission
Verbal Proceedings of the Mixed Commission
Verbal Proceedings of the Mixed Commission
Secretary General of the Governmental Commission
Secretary General of the Governmental Commission
Section files
Section files
Registry files (1933-1946)
Registry files (1933-1946)
Registry files (1928-1932)
Registry files (1928-1932)