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Danzig Political Affairs - Dissolution of the Centre Party, October 1937.
Danzig Political Affairs - Dissolution of the Centre Party, October 1937.
Legal status of Polish officials in Danzig - Diplomatic privileges of Polish customs inspectors - Request of Danzig Senate, 24 April 1933, for a decision of the High Commissioner.
Legal status of Polish officials in Danzig - Diplomatic privileges of Polish customs inspectors - Request of Danzig Senate, 24 April 1933, for a decision of the High Commissioner.
Petition from Mr. Felix Haekel, Danzig, 28 April 1933.
Petition from Mr. Felix Haekel, Danzig, 28 April 1933.
Petition of Mr. Franz Arczynski.
Petition of Mr. Franz Arczynski.
Miscellaneous Petitions - Petition of Mr. Walker Supras.
Miscellaneous Petitions - Petition of Mr. Walker Supras.
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig - Request from the High Commissioner of May 15, 1933 for a legal opinion on the interpretation of the Constitution guarantee given by Viscount Ishii on November 17, 1920. Council document C.324.1933.
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig - Request from the High Commissioner of May 15, 1933 for a legal opinion on the interpretation of the Constitution guarantee given by Viscount Ishii on November 17, 1920. Council document C.324.1933.
Petition of the Central Committee of Catholics in the Diocese of Danzig.
Petition of the Central Committee of Catholics in the Diocese of Danzig.
Constitution of the Free City - Petition from Zentrumspartei (Centre Party) of 18 April 1935 dated 17 December 1934.
Constitution of the Free City - Petition from Zentrumspartei (Centre Party) of 18 April 1935 dated 17 December 1934.
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig - Petition from Zentrumspartei, Danzig.
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig - Petition from Zentrumspartei, Danzig.
Constitution of the Free City - Committee of Jurists - Additional documentation relating to the petition of the center party.
Constitution of the Free City - Committee of Jurists - Additional documentation relating to the petition of the center party.