Venereal Diseases - Correspondence with M. V. Tcherkassoff.
Opium Traffic - Correspondence with F. Schirokauer.
Illicit Traffic - General Governmental Measures - Argentina Republic.
Drug Addiction Enquiry - Effects of Barbituric acid derivatives.
Opium Smoking in the Far East - Data on Prices of Raw Opium - Information supplied by Dr. Anselmino.
Illicit Traffic - Opium traffic by carrier- pigeon from Cardiff, organised by You-Ling Sam, July 1934.
Traffic in Women and Children - Canada. Various correspondence.
[Traffic in Women and Children] - Correspondence with Tokio Office of the League.
Health General - Correspondence with Congrés International des Grands Travaux d'Hygiène Publique [International Congress of Major Public Hygiene Works].
Limitation of Manufacture of Drugs - Correspondence regarding New Narcotic Drug "Amyl".