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Pp/Kostelecky · Sub-sub-sub-series · 1978-1981
Fait partie de Private Archives

The sub-sub-sub-series consists of sixty one audio files of interviews conducted by Vaclav Kostelecky from 1978 to 1981 on the history of the ECE. Includes interviews with Gunnar Myrdal, Walt Rostow, Evgeny Chossudowsky, Albert Kervyn de Lettenhove, and Nicholas Kaldor, among others. These audio files were provided by the Swedish Labour Mouvement Archives and Library (Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, with support from the Kostelecky family. The ZIP file contains all 61 audio files in MP3 format with the file list (in Swedish); these files can be downloaded individually on together in one ZIP file at:

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