12 cm x 18 cm black and white. Photograph had no date on it. Could be 1936 also.
Fragmentary Material.
19.5 cm x 15 cm black and white. Date not precise.
14 cm x 11 cm black and white.
Extract from the "International Herald Tribune": opening of Nixon's testimony transcripts which led to the indictment of A. Hiss by the grand jury to charges of communist infiltration of the U.S. government in December 1948; of interest because of A. Hiss' (pro-Soviet?) anti League of Nations measures at the 1945 San Francisco Conference.
"Irish Times" review of the book "The Last Secretary General: Sean Lester and the League of Nations" by D. Gageby; photograph of S. Lester.
Biography on S. Lester before 1929 posting to Geneva.
Biography of S. Lester presented in six parts: early life, Geneva, Danzig, return to Geneva and war, San Francisco, and return to Ireland.
About A. Hiss' role and attitude towards the League of Nations and the anti League of Nations measures at the 1945 San Francisco Conference.