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C1485/381/20A/16653/16653 · Dossier · 1929-1933
Fait partie de Groupe d’archives mixtes sur les réfugiés (Fonds mixte Nansen)

File contains correspondence describing the different sources of refugee-related records from the creation of the League until end of 1929:

(1) files constituted by the Secretariat until 1924;
(2) the files constituted by ILO from 1925 to 1929 inclusive;
(3) files constituted successively by the Secretariat for use by the Transit, Political and Social Sections from 1925 to 1929 inclusive;

and what type of records remain with which office after the creation of the International Nansen Office for the Refugees, an independent office to deal with refugee affairs.

C1486/382/20A/17965/16709 · Dossier · 1930-1934
Fait partie de Groupe d’archives mixtes sur les réfugiés (Fonds mixte Nansen)

Instruction to produce proper and correct accounts given to the delegates via correspondence. Documents included: C.A.15-1932 "Rapport de la Commission des Finances sur les travaux de sa 10ème session du 18 juillet 1932, J.C.4-1933 "Rapport sur les observations des représentants en ce qui concerne l'application des règles de controle", J.C.33-1933 "Rapport en ce qui concerne l'amortissement des avances non récuperables".

C1486/382/20A/21885/16709 · Dossier · 1930-1932
Fait partie de Groupe d’archives mixtes sur les réfugiés (Fonds mixte Nansen)

Correspondence, notes and other records regarding the control of accounts of the Delegations. Internal control officers, P. Welps and P.J. de Makay, are mentioned as well as the Chief of the Refugee Service, Major T.F. Johnson and his assistants.

C1486/382/20A/23955/16653 · Dossier · 1930-1936
Fait partie de Groupe d’archives mixtes sur les réfugiés (Fonds mixte Nansen)

M. Huber was President of the Governing Body of the International Refugees Office [1931-1936], file contains list of persons in the United States interested in the refugee work, his visit to USA in 1931, correspondence with Mr. Johnson, letter to Sir Eric Drummond announcing his resignation [Nov. 20, 1932], press extracts: from "Le petit bleu" regarding Mr. Huber's substitution of Mr. Hyman at the Committee of Nineteen presidency; from "La Renaissance" de Paris, No. 2767. 20 Dec. 1932 on "Autour de la démission du Docteur Max Huber"; from "La République enchainée", 20 April 1933 on "Démission de M. Max Huber".

C1486/382/20A/80595/16653 · Dossier · 1933-1934
Fait partie de Groupe d’archives mixtes sur les réfugiés (Fonds mixte Nansen)

Only a note and a letter of administrative nature. George Werner was the President of the Administrative Council [Governing Body] of the International Nansen Office. Includes several references to the Office's Bulgarian delegate, Mr. Serafimoff, and to contributions of the Bulgarian government.