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C1558/454/20B/16809/16809/Jacket2 · File · 1931
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

The file contains reports from Nansen Office Far East Representative and other sources on number, causes of displacement, location and living condition of Russian refugees in Habin and Manchuria; actions taken by the Nansen Office and other refugee organisations to secure these refugees; resettlement of refugees in South America, such as Paraguay and Argentina; photographs of Chaco Paraguayo - Colonia Mennonita Canadiense. Various Documents like C.629.1931 - 28 September 1931 - LON Refugees - Communication from the Delegate of paraguay to the LON - Note by the Secretary-General (English and French) C/65ème Session/P.V.6. - SDN - 65ème Session du Conseil (English and French), and other documents as it follows :

  • Regulations governing the inspection of passports of foreigners entering Chinese territory - Promulgated by the National Government, Republic of China - 22 August 1930
C1558/454/20B/16809/16809/Jacket3 · File · 1931-1932
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

This file content is related to the Resettlement of Russian refugees from Harbin to South America; financial arrangements; problem with the Bolivian government on the settlement project of Mennonites in Chao; list of refugees (Mennonites) leaving for South America. Some documents like M.C.7.1932 - 6 February 1932 - Extraordinary Meeting of the Managing Committee and Finance Commission - Evacuation of Russian refugees from Harbin. Some Press clipping of the Le Journal de Shanghai - 12 January 1932 - Lettre de Kharbine - Les incidents sanglants entre Russes et Chinois
Tribune de Genève - 17 February 1932 - L'Association protestante internationale de prêts.

C1558/454/20B/16809/16809/Jacket4 · File · 1932
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

This file contains documents concerning the continuation of the resettlement operation of Russian refugees from Harbin to South America (Paraguay); various lists of refugees for transportation.
The fol^lowing documents :P.1.1932 - Transfer of Armenian refugees to Erivan - Russian refugees in Harbin;The Harbin Relief Committee of Russian Emigrants - The Report of the Harbin Relief Committee of Russian Emigrants in North Manchuria (China) for 1930;"Good News!" Second Report on the Evangelical Refugees in Harbin, Manchuria - "The Goal" - The Last Lap of the Long Journey from the Banks of the Volga to those of the Paraguay River will start in February 1932 - Report by the Central Bureau for Relief of the Evangelical Churches of Europe;Review and Information Bulletin of the League of Red Cross Societies - July 1932.
Some Press clippings:

  • Neue Zurcher Zeitung - 1 March 1932 - La Japon et la Russie
  • 1932 - newspaper in Russian
  • The Times - 8 March 1932 - Plight of Russian Refugees
  • Le Journal - 3 April 1932 - Un entretien avec les mennonites qui ont traversé Paris après leur évasion de Russie oú ils étaient persécutés par les Soviets
  • North China Daily News - 13 March 1932 - White Russians' Views - Reported enlistment of emigrants in the Japanese army denied
  • Le Journal - 2 April 1932 - Le long exode des mennonites qui, fuyant les Soviets, ont rejoint Marseille via Kharbine et Changhai
  • Le Matin - 2 April 1932 - Le "d'Artagnan" est arrivé à Marseille
  • Excelsior - 3 April 1932 - 373 réfugiés russes traversent la France
  • The Manchuria Daily News - 20 February 1932 - Rights and Obligations of Citizenship
  • China Sunday News - 13 March 1932 - White Russians' Views - Reported enlistment of emigrants in the Japanese army denied
  • Lettre e Kharbine - 17 April 1932 - Banditisme, terrorissme et atrocités dans la région de l'Est-Chinois
  • Le Messager d'Athènes - Les russes blanc contre les chemins de fer soviétiques
  • La Renaissance de Paris - 4 July 1932 - Les réfugiés russes en Manchurie
  • The North-China Daily News - 24 June 1932 - Harbin Letter - Dramatic kidnapping - Authorities obliged to come to terms with bandits before crowds of spectators
  • Journal des Nations - 4 August 1932 - Les Boliviens bombardent
  • Journal des Nations - 4 August 1932 - Le conflit du Chaco
  • La Renaissance de Paris - 3 August 1932 - Différend entre la Bolivie et le Paraguay - Les villages des mennonites bombardée
  • Les dernières nouvelles - 20 July 1932 - Lettre de Kharbine - "Copeaux" russes
  • La Renaissance de Paris - 21 August 1932 - Les mennonites à Chaco - Premier signe de vie
C1559/455/20B/16809/16809/Jacket5 · File · 1932-1934
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

The file content is about the Continuation of the evacuation of Russian and German Mennonites and other religious refugee groups from China to South America. Reports from the Nansen Office China Representatives on the transport operations; copy of Nansen passport issued to Russian refugees in China.
It also contains the following Documents:
C.A.22.1932 - 28 October 1932 - Communiqué pour information - Conseil d'administration - 6ème session - Lettre du Professeur Keller, Secr'taire général de l'Office central d'entr'aide des églises.
A set of Press clippings is included in this file content:
Heraldo de Madrid - 20 August 1932 - El viejo litigio del chaco boreal
La Renaissance - 29 January 1933 - Un moyen ingénieux de s'évader de l'URSS
Harbin Times - A decision of special importance adopted by the Government concerning Russian refugees - A special communiqué of the Harbin Times for large publicity
Les dernières nouvelles - 26 February 1933 - Les mennonites au chaco - Une lettre de l'Amérique latine
Les dernières nouvelles - 27 February 1933 - L'exportation des emigrés russes de Mandschourie en URSS
La Renaissance - 7 April 1933 - La situation à Kharbine russe
La Renaissance - 10 April 1933 - Les russes en Mandchoukouo - L'établissement agricole des emigrés russes - Le Consul soviétique proteste
La Renaissance - 25 April 1933 - Une nouvelle centaine de fugitifs de l'URSS en Mandchourie
La Renaissance - 24 April 1933 - Le Japon, l'URSS et l'émigration
Finally various documents like Association protestante internationale de prêts Genève - Rapport sur le premier exercice Année 1932
Statuts de l'Association protestante internationale de prêts Genève.

C1559/455/20B/16809/16809/Jacket6 · File · 1933-1934
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

The file content is related to the Transport of different religious groups originated from Russia and Germany from China to South America; financial arrangement for the transport and settlement costs; mission report of Messrs Ehrenhold and Zwerner on the transfer of Mennonites refugees from Marseille to Bordeaux for evacuation from China to Brazil.
Also these following Press clippings are at disposal in the file :
Les dernières nouvelles - 9 April 1934 - Colons hitlériens
La Renaissance - 12 May 1934 - Les réfugiée Mennonites
La petite gironde - 13 May 1934 - A bord de l'"Eubée" - La Croix-Rouge française reçoit 292 réfugiés russes
Marseille Matin - 12 May 1934 - Trois cents mennonites émigrés de Russie ont traversé hier Marseille se rendent au Brésil
Paris soir - 15 May 1934 - Cinq cents émigrants russes venant de Shanghai et partant s'établir au Brésil sont arrivés à Marseille
Paris soir - 5 October 1934 - Dans la jungle infernale du Gran Chaco - Oú l'on rencontre les pioniers memnonites hôtes pacifiques de la brousse - Les russes les canadiens, les allemands "objecteurs de conscience" vivent à deux cents kilomètres de la ligne de feu

R5615/20A/17765/686 · File · 1935
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

File contains:

  • League of Nations document C.137.M.71.1935.XII of 29 March 1935 "Report of the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees on the work of its Seventh Session
  • League of Nations document C.200.1935.XII of 16 May 1935 "Work of the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees - Seventh Session (March 1935) - Report by the Representative of Mexico"
  • Extract from Minutes of the First Meeting of the 86th Session of the Council, 20 May 1935 "Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees - Work of the Inter-governmental Advisory Commission for refugees during its Seventh session"
  • various drafts regarding the settlement of Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees, as well as the refugees from the Saar and the Nansen passport
  • League of Nations document C.L.94.1935.XII "Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees - Report of the Inter-governmental Advisory Commission for refugees on the work of its Seventh session".
R5615/20A/15315/686 · File · 1934-1935
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

File contains:

  • League of Nations document C.14.1935.XII of 4 January 1935 "Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees - Communication to the States members of the League of Nations of the decisions adopted by the Fifteenth Assembly - Report of the Representative of Mexico"
  • various correspondence.
R5631/20A/21149/18812 · File · 1935-1936
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

File contains:

  • the League of Nations document C.A.I.R.31 of 16 November 1935: "Comité pour l'assistance internationale aux réfugiés - Communication du Gouvernement belge - Mesures prises ou adoptées en Belgique en vue d'assister les réfugiés - Situation en novembre 1935"
  • the League of Nations document C.A.I.R.34 of 18 November 1935: "Comité pour l'assistance internationale aux réfugiés - Rapport présenté par le Comité d'aide et d'assistance aux Victimes de l'antisémitisme en Allemagne
  • a leaflet on the speech made by A. François, Senator, on 22 January 1936 on assistance to foreigners: "L'assistance aux étrangers - Discours prononcé au Sénat par M. François le 22 janvier 1936"
  • the correspondence between A. François and de Montenach from the League of Nations Secretariat.
R5615/20A/13613/686 · File · 1934
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

File contains:

  • League of Nations document A.VI/8.1934 of 20 September 1934 "Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees - Draft report of the Sixth Committee to the Assembly - Rapporteur: H.E. M. Raphaël (Greece)"
  • League of Nations document A.37.1934 of 22 September 1934 "Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish refugees - Report submitted by the Sixth Committee of the Assembly - Rapporteur: H.E. M. Raphaël (Greece)".