Extract from "Le Temps": resignation of O'Rourke, bishop of Danzig.
S. Lester's appointment as Danzig High Commissioner; photograph of S. Lester.
Extract from the "Chicago League of Nations Chronicle" on S. Lester's appointment supported by all countries members of the League of Nations Council except Poland.
Extract from the "Irish Press": S. Lester's appointment and new duties as Danzig High Commissioner.
Extract from the "Irish Times" on S. Lester's high abilities as a diplomatist and tasks as mediator in Danzig between the Germans and Poles; about the Polish "Corridor".
Extract from the "Irish Independent": S. Lester and his family preparing for their move from Geneva to Danzig; life and housekeeping in Geneva; S. Lester's wife invited to the opening of a beauty salon in Dublin.
Friendly reception accorded to S. Lester when he took up his duties as High Commissioner in Danzig: S. Lester noticed that Poles, Germans and Danzigers thought that an Irishman would understand their respective points of view and defend their respective interests.
Extract from the "Evening Mail" on both S. Lester's appointment as High Commissioner in Danzig and J. McDonald's appointment as High Commissioner for Jewish refugees; Poland's objection to S. Lester's election; J. Simon's support to S. Lester; short biography on S. Lester.
S. Lester's appointment as Danzig High Commissioner was a tribute to himself, as well as to Ireland and its judicial impartiality; situation in Danzig; photograph of S. Lester.
Extract from "Le Temps": after Poland's objection, Poland's satisfaction to S. Lester's appointment as Danzig High Commissioner.