Sanctions against Italy; Dr. Grundmann, Hon. consul general for Bulgaria, in Danzig; International Court on amendment to Danzig Criminal Code; Zarski, editor of the "Danziger Vorposten", organ of the National Socialist Party.
Some Danziger views on Nazis; epistolary curiosities.
Article in "Le Matin" on National Socialist chiefs in Danzig proposing to the Senate to forbid Sean Lester's return to Danzig from Geneva.
Gauleiter (Regional Leader) A. Forster, from Nazi Party; his speech in the presence of Arthur Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate.
Count Edward O'Rourke, Bishop of Danzig; parish priests and politics in Danzig; Nazi policy of intimidation.
Geneva, 90th session of the League of Nations Council - Meetings with J. Avenol, F.P. Walters concerning Sean Lester's annual report; Nazi Senator Böttcher's negative views on the report.
A. Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate, proposed changes in the law; Joseph O'Neill's books; Joe Walshe; petition from Witnesses of Jehovah.
Alexander Cadogan, appointed Assistant Under Secretary of State at the Foreign Office; article by Vladimir d'Ormesson on Nazi regime and A. Hitler.
Senator Boeck (Education) and President of Volkstag E. Beyl; Regierungs-Präsident Budding from East Prussia; A. Eden's first official parliamentary speech as Foreign Minister; inspection and censorship of S. Lester's letter to J. Avenol by the Nazis.
Assassinations by military of Japanese Cabinet ministers; Italian war and possible oil embargo.