This file contains documents related to employment of refugees, financial assistance to refugees and guarantees of repayment of advances done in favour of refugees. The file content is the assistance delivered by the Nansen Refugees Office in Syria for alleviating the refugees plight.
The content of this file is related to the fact that The "Représentant de la France au Comité pour l'établissement des Assyriens de l'Irak" requested the services of G. Burnier to assist the French High Commission in the territory under its mandat in Levant for the general establishment of the Assyrians from Iraq in the region of Kabbour. Other documents like the following are also accessible:
C.103.M.44-1936.VII "Etablissement des assyriens de l'Irak - Statut du Conseil des Trustees" French and English
J.C.192-1936 "Comité de direction et Commission des finances le 6 avril 1936 - Virement à effectuer au Secrétariat de la Société des Nations en ce qui concerne les frais de séjour de M. G. Burnier lors de son dernier passage à Genève"
J.C.22-1937 "Comité de direction et Commission des finances le 28 avril 1937 - Reintégration complete de M. Burnier dans les services de l'Office".
Bishop of Alep requested for assistance for Armenian tuberculosis patients in Syria.
This file contains correspondence regarding a request of M. Burnier, the representative of the Office in Syria and Lebanon, for documents neccessary for administering the affairs of the Office in Syria.
File only contains a note about the correct balance of the Assyro-Chaldean account.