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A. Forster's Speech in Danzig to the "Führerkorps"
A. Forster's Speech in Danzig to the "Führerkorps"
Cartoon entitled "Coming Events" on A. Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and Danzig
Cartoon entitled "Coming Events" on A. Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and Danzig
Danziger Vorposten: "Déclaration du Président Greiser" Regarding the Senate Plans for 1935 - Wnuck's and Albert Boeck's Wishes for the 1935 Year
Danziger Vorposten: "Déclaration du Président Greiser" Regarding the Senate Plans for 1935 - Wnuck's and Albert Boeck's Wishes for the 1935 Year
Document Addressed to S. Lester Mentioning Some Comments from the "Gazeta Polska"
Document Addressed to S. Lester Mentioning Some Comments from the "Gazeta Polska"
Extract from A. Greiser's Speech on Danzig
Extract from A. Greiser's Speech on Danzig
Extract from "The Bulletin of International News" titled "The Problem of Danzig"  by Hugh Latimer
Extract from "The Bulletin of International News" titled "The Problem of Danzig" by Hugh Latimer
Extract from the "Danziger Volkstimme" on A. Greiser's Press Interview Following His Visit to Poland
Extract from the "Danziger Volkstimme" on A. Greiser's Press Interview Following His Visit to Poland
Extract from the "Discours prononcé par le Vice-Président du Sénat M. Greiser à la Sporthalle le 9 octobre 1934 (Danziger Vorposten du 10.X.1934)"
Extract from the "Discours prononcé par le Vice-Président du Sénat M. Greiser à la Sporthalle le 9 octobre 1934 (Danziger Vorposten du 10.X.1934)"
Extracts from the "Danziger Neueste Nachrichten" Headed "The Police as Part of the Community"
Extracts from the "Danziger Neueste Nachrichten" Headed "The Police as Part of the Community"
Extracts from the "Danziger Vorposten": "Major Stach's Speech", Senior Officer in Charge of Police
Extracts from the "Danziger Vorposten": "Major Stach's Speech", Senior Officer in Charge of Police